Recruitment is CLOSED for the holidays and plot catch-up.
Collaboration is OPEN.
Sunland is an RP heavy adventurer/mercenary Free Company on the Crystal datacenter, housed on both the Mateus and Balmung servers. We abide by five key tenents that we have maintained throughout the years:
Consistent, slow-burn, long-term storytelling. We sprinkle slice-of-life and casual RP between the beats, but our plot-driven RP typically takes weeks if not months to resolve.Grounded, realistic, flawed characters that must rely on each other to help overcome their shortcomings in both their personal and professional lives. No one (wo)man is an army here. No one should be the best at everything. No one individual should be hogging the spotlight all the time. Lore-adherence. Some bending is okay, some interpretation more than okay, but we seek to 'err' on the side of lore whenever possible. IC and OOC separation. Characters should be their own entities, independent of the player's self-insertion. We do not accept excessive OOC-motivated bleed over onto your character's motivations and actions. Many of our characters have reasons to dislike one another; this is, and should always be, kept strictly IC. OOC communication and friendship between players, and making sure our player base remains small and manageable enough that no one becomes just a number. If there is an issue with a fellow FC member, you are expected to talk it out like adults with an 'us vs the problem' mentality.
We are strictly 21+ in our OOC membership. Mature content warning in advance. The FC is not constantly grimdark, but our RP and plots can, have, and do occasionally host themes like violence, drug use, prostitution, abusive situations, sexually-charged situations, biases and discrimination, and other themes that some may find uncomfortable as a player. Respect is paramount to us as an FC on an OOC level, but if you are easily offended by the darker aspects of character writing and story telling, we would not be a good fit for you as an individual.
How is recruitment handled?
We have found that what works best for us is to accept people as they show interest rather than advertising. We are not looking to be the biggest FC on the block, and in fact consider it important that our numbers remain so that everyone feels heard, valued, and is given ample opportunity to run their own plots/events without members being stretched too thin.
What kind of players and characters are you looking for?
Character-wise, Sunland leans more law-abiding and good-intentioned than not. These are still (mostly) mercenaries, some grizzled, some traumatized, some flat out more mean than others, so wrongdoings happen and mistakes are made. But this is not the place for proud serial killers or psychopath archetypes unless they are on the table as antagonists.
Player-wise, we are best-suited to those who are proactive with a sense of self-responsibility, who take their writing but not themselves seriously.
Are you able to laugh at and meme about your own character? Is your character a separate entity from yourself with deliberate flaws (beyond being "too stubborn" or "too selfless")? Do you want RP with more than just romance as its defining factor?
Do you enjoy series with pacing and tones like Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones? Are you willing to generate your own RP and plots rather than expect a select few staff to do everything? Are you able to and willing to communicate OOC? Then we would perhaps be a good fit for you!
Do you do collaboration with other groups or individuals outside the FC who want to RP but aren't seeking membership?
Yep! Feel free to contact Jute#2426 at any time.